Garrick Plaisted | Certified Scrum Master and Freelance Web Developer

Composite Dashboard for Jira Hygiene

This project involved developing a comprehensive Jira dashboard for Wells Fargo SNS integrating custom filters and ratios to track compliance across multiple product areas, ultimately increasing Jira hygiene from below 70% to over 95%.

Wells Fargo

Project Requirements

  • Filtering at for All L3s under Secure Nework Services. (Workforce Access, Telecommunications, etc...)
  • Filtering for all jira projects under Secure Network Serivces
  • Provide Non-compliant Jira Hygiene in both ratio and percentage format for Epics In-Progress and in Epics in ToDp
  • Provide Non-compliant Jira Hygiene in both ratio and percentage format for Features In-Progress and in Features in ToDo
  • Provide Non-compliant Jira Hygiene in both ratio and percentage format for Stories In-Progress and in Stories in ToDo
  • Provide Overall Non-compliant Jira Hygiene score in both ratio and percetage format for ALL In-Progress and ALL Backlog items
  • Provide Overall Compliant Jira Hygiene score in both ratio and percetage format for ALL In-Progress and ALL Backlog items


At Wells Fargo Technology, I led a team of Scrum Masters tasked with building a sophisticated dashboard in Jira for Secure Network Services. This project aimed to address a critical need: ensuring all required fields within Jira issues (Acceptance Criteria, Descriptions, Target Start and End Dates, and others) were properly completed. Given the scale of Secure Network Services, this initiative spanned multiple product areas and impacted thousands of Jira issues. We needed to create a solution that would highlight missing fields across a large number of Epics, Features, and Stories in both "To-Do" and "In-Progress" statuses.
The dashboard required multiple filters, including those for each tower under Secure Network Services and across different Jira projects. Data visualization included compliant vs. non-compliant issues, presented as ratios and percentages to provide senior leadership with an insightful overview of Jira hygiene.


We faced several challenges, including ensuring the correct view permissions across all projects and gathering the appropriate Jira keys from numerous projects. This was a learning curve for the entire team, as none of us had worked with dashboards or custom ratios of this complexity before. Additionally, we designed the architecture so that other departments across Wells Fargo Technology could replicate the solution as needed.

The Approach & Solution

To tackle this complex task, we employed a Rich Filter approach, leveraging SmartFilters, Custom Ratios, and saved filters. The dashboard integrated over 20 custom ratios and saved filters, spanning 8 distinct product areas, making it a highly tailored and robust solution.

The Results

Product Areas
This spanned over 8 product areas in Secure Network Services
Jira Projects
More than 100 different jira projects
Jira Hygiene Compliant Score
35% up
Jira Hygiene Compliant Score for all of SNS increased by 35%
Jira Hygiene Score
SNS's Jira Hygiene now hovers bewtween 95% & 100%

The dashboard provided senior leadership with unprecedented transparency into Jira hygiene, offering a clear view of non-compliant and compliant Epics, Features, and Stories. This enabled teams to address outstanding issues promptly, significantly improving Jira compliance. As a result, Jira hygiene within Secure Network Services improved from around 70% to consistently hovering bewteen 95% & 100%, greatly enhancing operational efficiency and accountability across the organization.

Client Testimonial

"I had the privilege of witnessing firsthand the impact Garrick Plaisted had on our Jira hygiene and overall process efficiency. Leading a cross-functional team, he developed a highly complex, yet intuitive, Jira dashboard for Secure Network Services that addressed key pain points across multiple product areas.
What stood out most was his ability to simplify a highly detailed, technical challenge, resulting in a dashboard that not only provided transparency but also empowered teams to take immediate action. The solution improved our Jira hygiene from under 70% to nearly 99%, an incredible achievement that has become a model for other areas within Wells Fargo Technology. Garrick's expertise and leadership were instrumental in driving this project, and the results speak for themselves."
Name Redacted
Senior Manager, Wells Fargo Secure Network Services

"Working alongside Garrick on the Secure Network Services Jira Composite Hygiene dashboard was an incredible learning experience. From the start, he brought clear vision and direction to a highly complex project. This was new territory for all of us—we had never built a dashboard with so many custom ratios, filters, and cross-project integrations—but Garrick guided the team with confidence and collaboration every step of the way.
He was always open to new ideas and solutions, encouraging us to solve problems creatively while keeping the ultimate goal in focus. The final product not only exceeded expectations but also set a new benchmark for how we manage and monitor Jira hygiene across multiple product areas. Thanks to our efforts, we saw a massive improvement in our Jira compliance, jumping from below 70% to nearly 95% in my area. It was a rewarding experience, and I’m proud to have been part of this transformation."
Name Redacted
Scrum Master, Wells Fargo Secure Network Services

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